Renewable Energy
Blue Carbon
Afforestation, Reforestation & Restoration
Avoided Deforestation
Improved Forest Management
Carbon markets
Climate Finance
Climate science
Environmental policy
Forest carbon
Nature-based solutions
Remote sensing
Satellite imagery
Leo Rubert is an environmental scientist specialising in nature-based solutions. His primary focus is on human and environmental impacts of avoided deforestation projects in indigenous territories in the Amazon Rainforest.
Prior to joining BeZero, Leo completed an Msc in Climate Change, Development and Policy at the Institute of Development Studies. He wrote his dissertation on leakage in avoided unplanned deforestation projects in the Brazilian Amazon. He also experienced working with CEEZER, a digital platform for carbon credit transactions and portfolio management, where he carried out due-diligence of carbon projects, VCM projects and pricing data. Additionally, Leo has field experience having worked at the Santa Sofia Reserve in the Colombian Amazon helping indigenous communities access carbon finance.
Institute of Developmental Studies, MSc, Climate Change, Development and Policy
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