Navigating Article 6: results from Bonn and the road to Baku
Here are some key takeaways
There were no major breakthroughs at negotiations at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, despite the mood reported as markedly better than at COP28 in Dubai.
Discussions continued to revolve around whether Article 6 should have centralised or decentralised processes - with multiple options presented on some issues (authorisation and revocation of projects), and others being kicked into the long grass (whether to include emissions avoidance and conservation enhancement activities).
With lots still to resolve at COP29 in Baku, the only operational part of Article 6 for the foreseeable future is likely to be the bilateral agreements that continue to be forged through Article 6.2 today.
What happened with Article 6.2?
What happened with Article 6.4?
The road to Baku
Concluding remarks