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Project Developer Workshop Learnings: How to Manage Development Risk

  • Claire Goldfinch
    Developer Engagement Manager
  • Sirine Hanaf
    Director of Partnerships
In March 2023, the BeZero Developer Engagement team started gathering more information on project developers and their opinions on the current issues they face when managing projects. This exercise was first carried out by interviewing ten developers across different regions and sectors to help identify their roles and gain insight into the biggest risks they faced. The results of these interviews were then used to develop a survey sent to a larger population of developers to confirm our initial findings.

Here are some key takeaways

  • BeZero is actively engaging with project developers to understand which risks are deemed critical to their projects’ success

  • Project developers face a myriad of challenges, but are collaborating across the market to implement innovative solutions

  • BeZero can support project developers through a range of products and services


  • Third-party risks: registry lead time

  • Verra tool to improve transparency

  • Political risk: evolving policies

  • Financial risk: Scaling investment and cash flow

  • Digitisation and solution scoping

  • Conclusion

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